In this edition of 'what the heck...’ I'm going to chat about kinesiology and more specifically energetic kinesiology.
What is kinesiology?
Kinesiology is a modality that utilises muscle testing to pinpoint underlying causes of pain and dysfunction in the body. By identifying the root cause of the problem, the practitioner can determine ways to ease stress around the problem so it can be resolved. The root cause could be anything.... a muscle not working correctly, food, emotion, work, family, relationship, trauma, stress etc.
The session clears stress around the root cause at a nonconscious level in the body. By removing the stress, it allows the client to heal and move forward.... become unstuck if you will. This is useful for clients suffering with both acute and chronic conditions.
Now this might seem a little weird, but if you consider the analogy that our physical self is the tip of an iceberg, the nonconscious is the largest part of the iceberg and the part that we can tap into to facilitate healing in all forms.
What is kinesiology used for?
Kinesiology is effective for many conditions and is holistic – that is, it works on body, mind and spirit. It doesn’t separate you into individual body parts or systems. A small list is below as an example, but essentially if you are concerned about something, then it can be balanced with kinesiology. If you feel you have been kept stuck in a holding pattern and not able to progress in areas of your life, then this may be what you’ve been looking for.
Identifying the root cause
The practitioner uses scan lists. Scan lists are listed of words, grouped together that are a resource for identifying the root cause and muscle testing the client against these lists allows the practitioner to focus on identifying the issue.
Muscle testing & permission
Muscle testing a client can be done in many ways. Some examples are:
No matter which form the muscle testing takes, what is important to remember is the client provides permission. This is done in several ways:
This is really important, especially with energetic kinesiology, so clients feel safe and secure in the knowledge that no one can ‘tap into’ them without their permission. It shows respect for the client and even if a well-meaning relative has booked an appointment, the client still needs to give the OK to go ahead (except if they are a child when the permission is provided by the caregiver).
What does a kinesiology session look like?
A kinesiology session usually will:
Energetic kinesiology
There are hundreds of forms of kinesiology both physical (applied kinesiology), and energetic (check out Energetic Kinesiology by Charles Krebs for more information). At Phoenix Mandorla we offer RAW energetic kinesiology balances.
The biggest question I am asked is ‘does it matter which form of kinesiology you do?’. My response is no, go with what your intuition is telling you and who you feel pulled towards having a session with. Not every form of kinesiology will suit you personally. What I have found is that clients build a rapport with a practitioner and then want to try other services they offer, and this is often the introduction they have into energetic kinesiology.
Personal story
So, does it all sound a bit weird and whacky to be true? It is certainly out of left field when you consider what we are taught about healing and wellness in life. For me, I can absolutely credit it with helping me with severe issues when I had a breakdown about 10 years ago.
My friend did my session and she just said to me ‘so you up for trying something a bit different?’ and we went from there. I couldn’t believe how I felt afterwards. I went in feeling anxious, depressed, and hopeless. I was emotionally heightened, had low self-worth and felt my family would be better off without me. Yep, I was in a really bad spot. My GP was looking after me and I was having counselling, but I couldn’t seem to turn things around.
As I came out from the first session, I felt relaxed and calm. My mind still had thoughts flowing through but I wasn’t trying to grasp them tight, I could let them flow and not take them on board. I felt better in myself and I wanted to be here. I wanted to fight this and to progress forward in life and celebrate with my family. This was a massive turning point for me.
Note that in my real life events, I did have a great support team and energetic kinesiology was a tool I had in my toolbox. It took the edge of where I was at and helped my mind process events with greater clarity. It also became my go-to to help me manage stress and life events. Everyone needs tools in their toolbox as well as the option to explore and refresh those tools as new ones become available.
What do we know about energetic kinesiology?
Well kinesiology falls into a category of healthcare options that have been rigorously tested and experienced over a long period of time such as reiki and even craniosacral therapy. Each of these have the science of quantum physics underlying their efficacy. This science states that everything is energy, and because of that our energy can affect others, and our own thoughts and experiences can affect our energy and our healing ability. If you’re interested in reading more on this subject, check out Dr Bruce Lipton’s Biology of Belief. He is a scientist who has become a fierce proponent and supporter of treatments that focus on the energetic side of client healing, using their own inner wisdom or nonconscious part of their being (note the correlation with craniosacral therapy – check out my blog).
Fantastic tools in your toolbox
With such fantastic options available in the healing space, why isn’t everyone out there doing it? Well, let’s explore that a bit more. A couple of questions to get you thinking….
1. What are your beliefs about what you need to do to heal?
2. Do you believe you can heal yourself?
3. Do you think that the current system we have in place – illness = surgery/medication – is the only option out there?
Now these can be inflammatory questions, but I don’t intend them to be, instead my intent is to start a discussion about where we are at and how open are we to exploring other options. I often have clients attend my clinic who have ‘tried everything’. They don’t feel heard or understood and are frustrated that they get different answers from different specialists, as well as being carved up into individual body systems where their healthcare specialists don’t work as a team for them at all, but rather as lone rangers.
I am not being disrespectful of our current system. It has developed brilliantly and is a life saving mechanism for those who need it. Just as there isn’t one way to teach a group of people, there isn’t one way to offer health options. People are wanting to be more empowered in their healthcare. They want to choose to think outside the box and try alternative practices. This is evidenced by the surge in interest in therapies such as massage, acupuncture, naturopathy, kinesiology etc.
So, my question to you at this point is…. Are you curious about seeing what energetic kinesiology can do for you and is it a tool for your toolbox? Bear in mind that, like medicine, alternative practices don’t always work for everyone.
What does a RAW session look like?
The following describes an average RAW energetic kinesiology session at Phoenix Mandorla.
1. Client and practitioner have a discussion about the issues they would like to balance the stress around. Examples may be – back pain, unable to sleep, stress with partner, money issues, work issues, struggling with a soul mate, all the way through to soul contracts and karma
2. The practitioner will make notes and also include two statements – clear all blocks to self-healing, and highest priority for highest good. This means the session will focus as widely as possible for the best result for the client, as consciously we may not actually be aware of the issues creating the dysfunction within us.
3. The practitioner will then identify other issues to be balanced, using muscle testing, which identifies words/sentences relevant to the issues. This is an amazing part of the process and one I’ve found quite profound. I’ve worked with clients I’ve known very well for years and the information that comes up is interesting. They often say to me ‘well you’ve known me a long time, but you didn’t know that bit about me’. A little note here is that there is no judgement by the practitioner. What comes up, is what needs to be cleared for the client.
4. The practitioner will then touch access points on the client and have the client repeat an opening affirmation where they agree to be open to the process and allow it to unfold.
5. Then the balance actually starts and it looks like:
a. Identifying which balance is needed
b. Identifying which list in the balance to use
c. Identifying issues on the list that need to be addressed
d. Identifying underlying stressors on those issues and how to clear them, for example with an affirmation
e. Continuing the process until all issues for the balance are resolved
6. The practitioner then closes the balance with the client saying a closing affirmation
7. The balance is then reviewed. The piece of paper the balance is written on is burned as we want to remove those stressors completely from the client. We've worked hard to identify the issues.... let's not leave that hanging around.
8. The practitioner will check in with the client in a couple of days to see how they are travelling.
Does the client need to be there?
We are all very busy and it is great to know that you don’t need to be present for the energetic kinesiology balance to be effective. In fact, I have clients who come in for the first balance because they want to see what I do, then are happy for me to balance them remotely. They will switch it up when they want to come in for a chat and that is always welcome.
There are three ways we can do a RAW energetic kinesiology balance at Phoenix Mandorla:
1. Come into clinic and see and experience the process. You can sit in a chair or lie on the massage table, depending on your preference.
2. Have the session by telehealth – where this occurs in real time, as if you were in the clinic, but by zoom.
3. Remote balance, where the you send me through a list of the issues you would like to work on (usually by text or through Facebook Messenger). I complete the balance in the time you’ve booked in the diary and I call you back later in the day to go over what came up.
The sessions occur in whatever form you prefer. I personally like to have my sessions in clinic, mainly because my practitioner is my friend and plus I get to raise things that come up from what is identified during the balance and they are also corrected in the balance. However, I also have remote sessions done for me. I really don’t mind, as long as I’m getting my balance done.
How long does it take?
A balance will take anywhere up to 90 minutes. It is usually an hour, but will depend on what is brought up throughout the balance.
I’m curious…. How do I book?
You can book your RAW energetic kinesiology balance online through, or call/text on 0484 068 348. Pick a one hour session that suits you or if you know you just want to be balanced and are a little flexible, send me a text and I’ll schedule the balance and a call back for you.
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land and pay our respects to Elders past, present and emerging.